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Grab Bags Galore

Whether you love experimenting with different looks or simply enjoy getting a great, great, GREAT deal, these Grab Bags will put a smile on your face. Each offering gives you multiple pair of reading glasses in the magnification of your choice, at an obscenely low price—about what you’d pay for a fancy coffee. And you get to try out some now looks in the process.

Each pair of Grab Bag glasses is top quality —blemish-free, brand spanking new, fresh off the shelf, complete with their own cases.

Our Grab Bags are a great way to get some spare reading glasses and, who knows, maybe you’ll find a style that you love that you never would have considered. Naturally, we can’t accept returns or exchanges on these glasses, but at these ridiculously low prices you can’t go wrong. And, naturally, all Grab Bags come with free shipping.